Band Levels
The WVYB has four different levels of Band. Musicians are placed in band levels based on musicianship and maturity. This is at the discretion of the band director. No experience is necessary for beginner band. We did the numbers. The cost for your musicians to be part of the WVYB is between $4-$6 per rehearsal, depending on their level.
Beginner Band
For students with little or no previous training on an instrument, the Beginner Band's members are usually in grades 5 through 7, aged 10 - 12. Please be aware that priority will be given to students in grade 6 and 7. At the first beginner full band rehearsal, students are presented with a variety of instruments from which to choose one suitable for them.
Junior Band
For Beginner Band graduates, and students with a minimum of one year of musical experience. Generally grades 6 through 8, age 11 to 13. Placement in band levels is at the discretion of the band director and is based on musicianship and maturity.
Concert Band
For students with a minimum of two years on an instrument, grades 7 - 9, age 12-14. There are currently a limited number of positions available at this level depending on the instrument. Placement is based on musicianship and maturity and is at the discretion of the music director.
Concert Band often plays at Theatres and performs on a school tour of elementary schools in West Vancouver each year.
Symphonic Band
For the most experienced students, grades 9 - college, age 14 to 19. There are currently a limited number of positions available at this level depending on the instrument. Placement is based on musicianship and maturity and is at the discretion of the band director.
Symphonic Band plays a variety of music and often plays original compositions. Working with composers such as Robert Buckley and Ralph Ford provide the musicians with great insight into how a piece of music is created.
The band plays two or three major concerts each year in addition to West Vancouver Remembrance Day, Community Day, Canada Day, Dundarave Christmas Tree Lighting and just about any civic event where music is required.
Symphonic Band often tours during the summer these tours are optional and are on a user-pay basis.
For more information contact:
Douglas Macaulay
Principle Conductor & Program Director